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It's important to conduct a thorough review of the field you're in, and then plan on re-visiting the analysis on an annual basis. Incipe Insight has a proven, organized process for doing so, and will ensure only the most relevant entities are weighed. Once best practices are identified, we help you strategically choose which elements to focus on, and invest your resources in. 


Elements for success can be properly identified, but if you're not prepared to lay the groundwork for measuring implementation success over time, the desired impact will not be achieved. If your entity is able to track and measure progress, it will become clear where resources will be most needed, and most successfully integrated.
We'll utilize learnings from the best practices analysis to create a customized metrics tool with which to track external progress against other entities in the field.
Then, we'll create a customized balanced scorecard strategy map*. The Balanced Scorecard is a method of determining if an entity is achieving an appropriate balance when using strategic and financial controls as a means of improving performance.

* This particular step is also highly appealing to investors / funders.

This process is quite involved, and encompasses the following elements:

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Set your company / team up for success by intentionally integrating monthly assessments and accountability. Your goal is our goal; we'll do everything we can to ensure you are following the path towards success we worked so hard to carve.
We'll conduct a monthly 30 minute check-in interviews with key stakeholders and work with them on successful implementation of the strategy identified following (Deliverable 1) best practices analysis and (Deliverable 2) metrics development.
Each month, following the interviews, we'll present you with a findings report, with observations and recommended courses of action. Every three months, we'll work with you on implementing these actions, and iterate on (Deliverable 1) best practices analysis and (Deliverable 2) metrics development where we see fit. At the culmination of each year together, we'll create a metrics report, complete with customized graphics and data visuals to convey to stakeholders the progress you've made and the actions you've been taking to do so. 

* This particular step is also highly appealing to investors / funders.

We are strategy designers.

We help you be the best in your field and stay the best in your field.


You can't manage what you don't measure.


A thorough review of all existing materials & collateral.
Output mapping to identify relevant components, and their place within the system.
Internal interviews in order to accurately assess current climate.
Utilizing conclusions from a-c, develop and customize metrics tool and balanced scorecard strategy map.



This process is quite involved, and encompasses the following elements:

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Best Practices Analysis
Metrics Development
Strategy Mapping

Fixed price. Please contact us. We'll reach out for a brief discussion to gain a better understanding about your specific needs before providing a quote for execution. 

Monthly Climate Assessment
Annual Metrics Report
Continued Support &

Monthly retainer. This cost will be a proportionate fraction of (Deliverable 1) best practices analysis and (Deliverable 2) metrics development.

strategy packages